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Innovation mission Offshore wind USA 2024

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We are pleased to invite you to join our Offshore Wind Innovation Mission to the USA, taking place from October 22 to 25, 2024. This mission is a unique opportunity to explore the rapidly growing offshore wind sector in the United States and connect with key industry leaders.

Bron: Netherlands Maritime Technology.

Mission Objective The objective is to strengthen cooperation in the field of offshore wind research and development. The ultimate goal is to develop a joint R&D agenda and related projects.

Program Overview
• October 22: Arrival in Boston, followed by an informal dinner with the delegation.
• October 23: Start of a comprehensive program with networking sessions and panel discussions on New England’s offshore wind sector.
• October 24: Visit to the New Bedford Ocean Cluster conference, with extensive networking opportunities.
• October 25: Visit to the Offshore Wind Innovation Hub in New York, with tours and discussions on offshore wind projects.

Who Should Attend
This mission is ideal for entrepreneurs, technology providers, and researchers in offshore wind, focusing on R&D managers, business developers, CTOs, and CEOs. Note that participation is limited to 20 attendees, and a maximum of 2 people per organization is allowed.

Costs and Registration
Participation costs €250 per person, which includes the collective program, transfers, and some meals as specified in the program. Travel, accommodation, and personal expenses are not included.
To register, Please register before May 29, 2024 via the online registration form (in Dutch).

Subsequently there is an option to participate in the Netherlands Lounge at the ACP Offshore WINDPOWER in Boston

We look forward to your participation! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.


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